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Friday, January 21, 2011

♥ SuperHeroZ - Chapter 5 (The Dark Mage - Part A)

“Haa…isn’t this the greatest day of all? It’s been a while since I started to get busy with those hectic schedules…” Yunho said to himself while he laid himself on a bench at his backyard. It’s a great thing that his neighborhood was one of the most beautiful districts in the city. Beautiful sight of blue oceans and a clean beach at the back of the houses giving in the most serenity place indeed. It also attracts most of tourists and family range in the country to go there for vacation or fun beach activities.

Yunho sighed in relaxation. He was wearing a sunglases, short pants and no shirts on revealing his masculine body on top. Some of the girls passed by his backyard glanced at the handsome face and attracted to him, but Yunho was to dumb to noticed that. No wonder that he didn’t have any girlfriend…

“Yah! What are you doing?!”

Yunho was startled at the shriek and slighty turned at the source of the voice. It was his brother, Changmin who was now looking at him with fiery eyes and holding a bucket in his right hand and a water hose in his left arm.

“Practically, I’m relaxing myself with some fun and fine viewing of the beautiful nature. Why do you asked?” Yunho asked innocently.

Chagmin rolled his eyes at his brother’s stupidity. “Do you really forget about your duty? Or you forget about it deliberately?” Changmin crossed his arms, waiting for his brother’s answer. He can be an older brother to Yunho sometimes because of his brother’s childish act for being too lazy in doing house chores. He can be childish too but not as bad as Yunho.

“….I guesses the second option is more…plausible?” Yunho smiled dumbly and he knows that Changmin was going to hit him with the bucket or attack him with the water hose in few seconds now. He can’t hide his fear behind those sunglasses.

“Why you…” Changmin was about to attack Yunho with the water hose but immediately stops when someone was intrupting him in the middle.

“Changmin, I’m done washing the bathroom that you’ve asked for,” Jaejoong was looking at them innocently. He stared curiously at the water hose that Changmin was held and stared at Yunho was now stood nervously as if he was about to prepared to run away.

“What are you guys doing?”

“Umm….nothing! I was just about to hand in this water hose to Yunho since his duty is to clean the backyard. Hahaha….” Changmin laughed awkwardly as he glared at his brother and walked to him with fast pace. He smiled at Jaejoong as he tried to hide the nervousness he got since he knew that Jaejoong was capable enough to slice a human or any objects in half easily if he saw that his master (Yunho) was in danger of anything. He was aware at the situation.

“Here…take the hose and the bucket. Make sure you clean up this place before getting your butt rest on that lazy chair, got it?” Changmin protested and leave the place. Yunho sticking his tongue, annoyed at his brother’s and continue his work.


“What?” Yunho asked without looking at Jaejoong.

“Why are dressing up like that?”

Yunho turned at Jaejoong and take a good look on himself. “What about it?”

“Well…people don’t usually dress like that these days. I wonder why sometimes people wear it even in a cold weather.”

Yunho snorted. “You know what? Weather is not an enough option. In this world, you can dress up in anyway you want as long as you feel comfortable with it and didn’t cause any interference or trouble in other people’s thoughts. Besides, I didn’t want to missed that beautiful sunshine over there and I know that I get wet later on when cleaning this place up,” he gripped a hold onto the bucket that filled with water and splashed it around the place. He took a broom and brushed the whole place with it. Jaejoong only stood there looking at him work like a stipendiary.

“You’ve been working hard lately. Was it nessacary? Do you want me to help you with that?” Jaejoong asked innocently. Innocent always the best word referred to him. Because the guy was new to this world yet he doesn’t know anything but protecting his master from beyond danger in the future.

“No, no…no need. Changmin would kill me if he saw you working for me while I’m resting myself on that luxurious chair of mine.” Infact, Yunho would be happy too if Jaejoong could do everything for him. But the fact that he always loses to his brother in bickering or fighting gave him more anxiousness in dropping his tasks. He wondered why his younger brother always wins and being more logical rather than naughty or childish like a normal kid do. Yunho sighed in regret, feeling sorry for his own luck.

Suddenly, a song called ‘SURVIVOR’ was played coming from his phone on the table nearby. Yunho reached out the phone as he stared at it for a second and answered it, “Hello, sexy!” he grinned. Jaejoong got the feeling that he had heard that song before but couldn’t tell where.

“Dude, your words bring me goosebumps like that. Now I know why there aren’t any girls want to date with you,” Yoochun said sarcastically.

Yunho rolled his eyes at his friend’s opinion. “Hey, it’s my first time trying! Don’t say it like that! You make me look bad you know,” he pouted.

“Hahaha!! I’m kidding, Yunho. Now, you do know what today is right?”
“Today?” Yunho glanced at his watch and looked around. “Well, today is cleaning day for my house. Why?” He heard a sigh from the other lines stating that his answer was definitely wrong.

“Dude, today is basketball match with Siwon’s team. Remember?”

Yunho slapped himself mentally as he remembered that he’s got an appointment with his friends today for the sports match. It was a battle between him and the snooty guy, Siwon.

Siwon was known as handsome yet talented guy both in education and sports. He wants to befriend with him, but the arrogant act makes him feel more irritated to be with him. He found it’s weird because people still liked him even though he didn’t treat people with good manners. All girls awed at him and guys are envious at him in the same time.

Yunho was the one that planned the match with Siwon since that guy was he’s actual rival in almost…everything. It’s not like he cared about it so much but people likes to compare them a lot. Even if Yunho always skipped in finishing his school works, it doesn’t mean Yunho didn’t study hard for the near exams these days. He obliviously got good grades in those exams and the fact only makes some students jealous at him. But still, he felt proud and yet he didn’t care what other people’s thought about him….until this guy showed up.

If Yunho was the one that didn’t get too annoyed at Siwon’s snobbish act, he won’t have to arrange that match in the first place. The thought of losing to him fears Yunho the most.

“Fine…I’ll be there in few minutes. Tell them to wait, okay? See you later,” Yunho hung up the call and brushed the whole place as fast as he could. With a little bit of splash there and here, he’s done. He rushed into the house and heading to upstairs quickly as Jaejoong followed him from behind. He didn’t bother to have Jaejoong looked at him changing himself into pair of clothes because he was in a hurry. (Besides, why does he have to care about that??)

Few minutes later, he walked to downstairs and ready to walk out from the house. Jaejoong followed him loyally without asking him about him being fuss around the place.

“E-ehm…Where do you think you’re going, hyung?” Changmin make a fake cough as he asked Yunho, signaling him about the tasks.

Yunho sighed in frustrated. “Look. I already finished clean up the place so beat it. I need to get myself onto the park city for my match. Don’t wait me for lunch, okay? Good bye!”

“I won’t! Bye…” Changmin waved good bye at them. When he turned to his left, he saw Kibum excitedly played his game and cheered happily when he won the game. Changmin released a deep sigh in disappointment and felt a slightly burden at the thought of taking care the guy like a babysitter. He even thought whether he should complain about having a guardian that didn’t take care of his master.

Both Yunho and Jaejoong exited from the house and ran along the sidewalks. While he was on the run, he glanced at his watch anxiously and cursed himself for being late (again) and forgetful.

30 minutes later….

Yoochun was wandered around the basketball court, waiting for his friend to come. Some of his friends doing some warm up exercises while waiting for the game to start.

“Hey, Yoochun…”

Yoochun turned and looked at the owner’s voice with blank expressions.

“I don’t have all day, you know. I had a part time job tonight so you better hurry up,” Siwon retorted as he bounces the ball repeatedly. He’s been waiting there with his teammates for almost an hour.

“Just wait a little while longer. He’ll be here soon,” Yoochun said bluntly.

“Yeah, right. Make sure that BEST FRIEND of yours be here in any seconds now…and if not, we’ll cancel our match today,” Siwon glared at Yoochun as he bounced the ball harshly making it bounced in a higher rotation and flew away.

“I’m here…”

All eyes turned at the source of the voice as the guy catches the ball that landed perfectly on top of his hand. Yoochun grinned at the guy’s arrival as Siwon watched the guy with fiery eyes.

“Sorry for keep you waiting, Siwon. I have some business needs to be taken care of, so be more considerable, will you?” said Yunho spontaneously. He shifted the ball back and forward on both of his hand and glared at his rival.

Siwon snorted. “Considerable? I think you’re the one who should be more considerable on someone like me. I had a part time job tonight so I want to settle this in instant. So, the sooner it’ll get the sooner it’ll be done,” he jerked Yunho’s chest roughly with his index finger. “Now, let’s begin!”

Yunho can feel that his boiling points arised constantly as he looked at Siwon who was now prepared himself along with his teammates at the other side of court. He wished that he can punch the guy right on the face but thankfully, Yoochun knews what was in his head and held him immediately.

“Hold on there, Tiger. We’ll beat the square out of his head in this match…so don’t worry,” Yoochun patted his back. He knew that his friend didn’t like the man either so he decided to be more patience this time. One of his teammates being the judges of the game as the guy ready to blew up the wisel.

Each teams glared at each other sides showed some tensely moment waiting for the game about to start. Yunho and Siwon are in the middle of the court along with the judges, ready to jump to grip a hold onto the ball.

On the other side, Jaejoong stayed at corner of the place, watching the match. He was told by Yunho to not to bother him while he was playing the game. While he was stood up watching the whole scene, he saw there’s another guy in the place didn’t play along. The guy was sat on the bench at his right who was now watching the scene tensely. His hair was in hazel color along with his eyes. The guy had a feminine face which can makes people mistook him as girl sometimes.


The wisel is blown away and the ball is thrown at high elevation as both of the man jumped higher to grab it. The game is finally started!

Yunho manage to grab the ball and ran into a high speed before Siwon can ever catch him. He headed to his front, bouncing the ball repeatedly. All of his teammates started to move; some defending for him and some was right on his both sides ready to take turn in passing the ball.

Yoochun was on his right side and was ready to take in the ball but suddenly, Siwon appeared in front of him tried to steal the ball from him. Yunho shifted the ball side to side, tried to distract Siwon’s attention.

“Yoochun!” Yunho exclaimed.

He grabbed a hold onto the ball and turned around circling the guy gracefully as he passing the ball to Yoochun.

Yoochun managed to grab the ball and passed by all of the rivals as he jumped over to strike in the ball into the basket.

Yes! He made it! 1 point for Yunho’s team! All of them cheer for the victory while Siwon and his team gazed at them with irritated faces. Jaejoong smiled at their triumph and glanced around the place. People who pass by at the place stared at them and some people just stay for watching the game. Jaejoong found it’s kinda entertaining to watch too.

“It’s too early for victory, Yunho…because the next goal is our turn to get it!” Siwon glared at Yunho while reaching the ball next to basket poll.

Yunho smirked at the glare. “We’ll see about that,” he walked to the middle and prepare for the next round.

And again, the ball was thrown at higher range as both of them jump to get it. Yunho managed to grab it again and try to get another score for his team. As he was going to do the ‘3 pointer’ from the three line, Siwon shocked him with a sudden leap in front of him. Siwon managed to steal the ball and ran away to from him.

Yunho cussed as he chased Siwon from behind and tried to steal the ball back. Sadly, Siwon was already done the ‘3 pointer’ shots before he can manage to grab the ball.

“See? I told you that it’s our turn…” Siwon smirked as he walked to the other side and gave his friends a high-five clap. Yunho glared at the man, irritated at the sarcasm.

The match has begun again for the third round as both teams tried to strike a goal as much as possible. Time passes by and the battle has become intensely hard for both teams. Fouls, free-throws…and many more.


The game has ended and the result; TIE. Yunho and his teammates were exhausted, same with the other teams…except for Siwon. Some of them are already laid on the floor and some of them are knelt down, gasping for air. Everyone played so seriously that they’ve wasted most of their energy on the game. Some of the viewers clapping their hands cheered at them for playing very hard and entertained them with good games.

“Well, I guess that’s all for now. See you later, Jung Yunho,” Siwon gazed at him and turned to leave the place. Same goes to his teammates and follow him from behind. Yunho only watched him left, feeling frustrated he punched down to the hard ground, ignoring the pain he got.

“Damn it! Why TIE?!” Yunho exclaimed. His teammates didn’t dare to come near him; feeling scared at their friend in realeasing his stress towards them.

“Yunho…it’s okay. We can have another match later. And besides, it’s a tie. It’s better than losing to him, right? Now, let’s go home…” Yoochun patted at Yunho’s shoulders and help Yunho stood up from the ground. He didn’t want to get mad and yet, he felt disappointed. He sighed in regrets.

“Good job, guys….that was very good. I felt…excited today that I can play together with all you. Next time….we’ll beat them greatly, okay? Thank you!” Yunho showed them a fake smile. He felt excited, of course! But he felt depress in the same time. Feeling defeated to the rival even though the game was a tie.

Jaejoong stared at all of them as they begun to leave the place. Some off them even bowed at Yunho and waved at him before leaving. Jaejoong thought that all of them must have been respected Yunho so much.

Within few minutes later, the place started to get empty and only the three of them left there.

Then, Jaejoong saw Yunho’s right hand began to bleeds. He saw that Yunho punched the ground frustrately but he didn’t know that it’ll be bleeding so badly like that.

As Jaejoong was about to approach him, he felt that someone was stalking them from the big tree aside of the court. He looked at the tree but saw nothing. Feeling curiously, he walked towards the tree. 

Then, he felt a strong wind blows at the place. He can sense a sudden change in the wind directions. He looked at his surroundings and seeing no suspicious person at the place. The day started to getting darker and like usual, he sense some danger was about to happen.

“Master! Watch out!” Jaejoong screamed as he was running towards Yunho.
Yoochun and Yunho were about to walked towards the door gate, but suddenly 3 big shadows appeared in front of them and blocked them away. Both of them shocked at the appearance.

“Finally….we found them,” said one of the 3 dark figures in front of them.

7:26 AM

♥ Shana Fujiwara a.k.a. Ckin ;

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